
This refers to a fund transfer system that involves large amounts of money transfer between 

participating agencies, either by self-calculation or on behalf of customers. The large-value funds 

payment system does not have a minimum amount set in the payment order that is actually 

제이오캐드디자인학원 032.362.7722

settled, but is generally very large because it deals with large-scale transactions such as call 

transactions, securities or foreign exchange transactions made in financial markets. Also, most of 

the inter-bank financial institutions in a country are traded between financial institutions.

제이오캐드디자인학원 032.362.7722

As a critical system for payment, the payment point management and the need to reduce payment risks is high, so most major countries' large settlement systems adopt a real-time total payment 

method that can eliminate credit risks, and the central bank is often in charge of operations. These

 include Korea's BOK-Wire+, the Fed's Fedwire and the European Central Bank's TARGET2.



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