
The "loss-sharing" system is a measure to secure the possibility of payment by sharing outstanding debts in the wake of the default by other participating institutions. The measure is aimed at 

preventing the collapse of the entire payment system and financial turmoil that could result from a chain of defaults by other institutions. Standard for sharing outstanding debt

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uses the size of the participating agencies, the performance of the system, and the credit limit of 

the participating institutions. Typically, when operating at the same time as the credit limit, the 

credit limit provided by each participating entity to the non-payment institution is used as a loss-

sharing basis, in which case each participating entity is more careful about the relative credit limit.

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The effects of setting up an incentive to reduce risk can be expected for the participating 

agencies. The joint sharing of payments insufficient funds is also known as the "survivors pay"



method in that it shares the funds for payment implementation, unlike defaulter payments, which

are financed by pre-mortgage loans from defaulting institutions.

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This means that payment, liquidation or settlement of the participating institutions made through 

the payment settlement system is made unconditionally in accordance with the operating rules of 

the payment system without cancellation or invalidation under any circumstances or law.



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