
If a bank's credit contribution to a particular borrower is excessive, there is a possibility that the 

counterparty's default may severely impair the bank's capital health (biased risk).

제이오캐드디자인학원 032.362.7722

In Basel II, each regulator was required to inspect and manage lopsided leaks without directly 

regulating them. Under the Bank Act, Korea manages lopsided risks through the credit limit system for same person and same owner. On the other hand, as the need to curb systemic risks caused by interconnectedness between financial institutions emerged after the financial crisis and to manage 

the fundamental risks of lopsided risk emerged.



The Board (BCBS) introduced large-scale exposure regulations. The regulation states that the credit exposure to a large amount of credit exposure (including both individuals and corporations) is 

related to the same person under the Bank Act, single counterparty, or economically linked to the

same person, so that the credit exposure to a group of connected counters is based on the Bank's

제이오캐드디자인학원 032.362.7722

capital. It is defined as a case in which a large exposure exceeds 10 per cent and the status of 

the large  exposure is reported to the regulators, so that the large exposure does not exceed 25 

per cent of  the underlying capital. In particular, to curb systemic risk due to interconnectedness, 

a further 15% limit is required for global system-critical inter-bank exposures. The regulation will

go into effect in 2019. Be planning to.



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